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Windows File Attributes

These options control how Fusion File Share stores SMB file attributes.

The supported methods are:

  • posix-exec:<attributes>

    Map attributes to POSIX execute permission bits, where possible <attributes> are:

    • ‘A’ – Archive, stored as u+x if enabled
    • ‘S’ – System, stored as g+x if enabled
    • ‘H’ – Hidden, stored as o+x if enabled

    Note that this is a legacy mode and should only be used with special care. The mode does not apply to directories and it expects that the POSIX permission bits are only modified by the SMB server.

  • native

    Save attributes natively in file system (for NTFS or private VFS module with corresponding support)

  • xattr[:<version>]

    Use Samba-compatible extended attribute “user.DOSATTRIB”. Optional argument <version> specifies version of “user.DOSATTRIB” to use for new files:

    • ‘v3’ – Samba 3.5–4.10
    • ‘v4’ – Samba 4.11–4.16 (default)
    • ‘v5’ – Samba 4.17–
  • filename:<attributes>:<pattern>

    Treat files matched to specific patterns as always having certain attributes. The argument <attributes> is a string combined from ‘A’ (archive), ‘H’ (hidden), ‘R’ (read-only) and ‘S’ (system) characters, while <pattern> is a string to match filenames against.


    Only pattern ‘ .* ’ is currently supported).

It is possible to combine modes together by specifying a comma-separated list of attribute backends. For example, it is possible to add Hidden and System attributes to dot files in addition to attributes stored as extended attribute by specifying:

map_attributes = xattr,filename:HS:.*


map_attributes = xattr