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Getting Started


Binary File: Copy the tsmb-server binary file to the appropriate directory in your system (such as a bin or sbin directory), or integrate it into a system-specific set of scripts. There is no particular dependency on where you put the tsmb-server binary file

$ cp -af tsmb-server /usr/sbin/tsmb-server

Configuration File: by default, Fusion File Share server expects the configuration file to be located at: /etc/tsmb.conf. If you wish to choose an alternative location, specify it using ‘-c <path>’ while calling the Fusion File Share application (refer to section Foreground Mode for more information).

$ cp -af tsmb.conf /etc/tsmb.conf

User Database Utility: Copy the tsmb-passwd utility to the ‘appropriate’ place in your system, for example:

$ cp -af tsmb-passwd /usr/bin/tsmb-passwd

Run-time Configuration Utility: Copy the tsmb-cfg utility to an appropriate place in your system, for example:

$ cp -af tsmb-cfg /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg

Kernel Module: Copy the tsmb.ko module to an appropriate place in your system, for example in /lib/modules

$ cp -af tsmb-passwd /usr/bin/tsmb-passwd

User Configuration

To connect to Fusion File Share server, you first need to configure Fusion File Share users usig the tsmb-passwd utility. Add a new user with name ‘USER’ with the following command:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-passwd -a -H USER

The user database file location is configured using the ‘userdb_file’ setting of the configuration file, located by default at: /etc/tsmb.conf. You can specify an alternative location for the configuration file with the ‘-c <path>’ argument:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-passwd -a USER -c <path_to_config_file>

For more options supported by tsmb-passwd, run:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-passwd -h

Starting Fusion File Share Server

Kernel Module

Insert the tsmb.ko module into the kernel.


This must be done after each system restart, before running tsmb-server.

$ insmod /lib/modules/tsmb.ko

Foreground Mode

Fusion File Share server should be started under root privileges because it uses the privileged TCP port 445 (the SMB protocol port).

Use the following command to run Fusion File Share server in foreground mode using the configuration file located at /etc/tsmb.conf:

$ /usr/sbin/tsmb-server

Daemonized Mode

To run Fusion File Share server in daemonized (background) mode and specify a particular path to the configuration file, use the following command:

$ /usr/sbin/tsmb-server -B -c <path_to_config_file>