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Contact and Support Information

If you need assistance or would like to give us feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

In your email, please describe your issue in detail and provide the following information:

1. Setup details (for client and server side):

  • Target type (‘uname -a’/distro version, Windows version)
  • SMB client tool with version number
  • Fusion File Share package version:
$ tsmb-server -v
$ modinfo tsmb

2. The sequence of events (to reproduce)

3. Expected results vs. visible results

4. If the problem is reproducible, capture a packet dump during the sequence of events using the following command:

$ tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w /tmp/pkts.pcap tcp port 445

5. Printouts from Fusion File Share (if any)

6. Also:

$ cat /etc/groups
$ cat /etc/passwd
$ cat /etc/tsmb.conf
$ cat /

If you were not able to run any Fusion File Share utility or the Fusion File Share server, please provide the output of the following commands:

$ uname -a
$ ldd /usr/sbin/tsmb-server

This information will greatly help our engineers respond and address the issue as quickly as possible.