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Run-Time Configuration Management via Windows MMC

You can dynamically manage shares, active open-handles and active sessions using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) tool.

Share configuration

MMC tool allows users to list shares, add new shares, delete an existing share and read or update certain share configuration parameters. To persist any dynamic share configurations via MMC, please refer to section Persisting_Updates for more information.


To dynamically configure shares via MMC, the following configurations are required:

  1. IPC$ share management should be enabled i.e. ‘enable_ipc’ global configuration option should not be set to ‘false’, please refer to section IPC$ Share Management for more information.
  2. Setup an administrative share as described in section Administrative Share.
  3. Grant either ‘TsmbServerShareOperatorsPrivilege’ privilege or the superset ‘TsmbServerOperatorsPrivilege’ privilege for your user account if you plan to add, delete or update existing shares. Please refer to section Windows Privilege Support for more information.

For an example of how to manage shares via MMC, please refer to Share Management via Windows MMC.

Open files configuration

MMC tool allows users to list active open handles and forcefully close them.


To dynamically configure Open files via MMC, the following configurations are required:

  1. IPC$ share management should be enabled i.e. ‘enable_ipc’ global configuration option should not be set to ‘false’, please refer to section IPC$ Share Management for more information.
  2. Grant either ‘TsmbServerOpenOperatorsPrivilege’ privilege or the superset ‘TsmbServerOperatorsPrivilege’ privilege for your user account to list or close active open handles. Please refer to section Windows Privilege Support for more information.