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Global Configuration

This section provides an overview of all the subcommands and options that may be added, updated and deleted during run-time using the dynamic configuration management utility.


$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global <COMMAND> [PARAMETERS]

Available commands are:

  • add – Add global parameter of the server.
  • del – Remove global parameter of the server.
  • update* – Update global parameters of the server.
  • ‘list’ – Show global parameters of the server.
  • help – Display help info.

Adding new global configuration

For a list of supported options that can be added, run:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global add -h

Available optional parameter(s) are:

-l STR, --listen STRAdd new listen address
-h, --helpDisplay this message

You can use the config utility to add or remove listen address(es). You may add or remove a set of listen addresses multiple times.

Example of adding one listen address:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global add -l ANY,,IPv4,139,NBSS

Example of adding multiple listen addresses:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global add -l ANY,,IPv4,139,NBSS -l

Deleting existing global configuration

For a list of supported options that can be deleted, run:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global del -h

Available optional parameter(s) are:

-l STR, --listen STRAdd new listen address.
-h, --helpDisplay this message.

Example of deleting multiple listen addresses:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global del -l ANY,,IPv4,139,NBSS -l

Updating existing global configuration

For a list of supported options that can be updated, run:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global update -h

Available optional parameter(s) are:

-d STR, --dialects STRSet of supported dialects.
-D STR, --dialect_max STRMaximum supported dialect.
-t, --durable_v1_timeoutDefault timeout to use for Durable V1 handles.
-T, --durable_v2_timeoutDefault timeout to use for Durable V2 handles.
--encrypt BOOLEncrypt packets sent by the server. Default: false
--reject-unencrypted BOOLDiscard incoming unencrypted messages. Default: false
--require-signing BOOLDiscard incoming unsigned messages. Default: false
--access-based-share-enumeration BOOLEnable access permission based hiding of shares during enumeration. Default: false
--log-destination STRSet the destination where to log. Possible values are ”console”, ”file” and ”syslog”.
--log-level STRSet the default level of severity of the log messages for all components of the server. The supported levels are 1 to 200. If --log-destination is configured, but --log-level isn’t, then value is read from configuration file if present, otherwise it will use default level 4.
--log-params STRSet configuration parameters required for logging. If --log-destination is configured, but --log-params isn’t, then value is read from configuration file, if present.
--smb2-credits-max NUMSet the default SMB2 credits advertised to client. Default: 1024
--shares-max NUMSet the maximum number of shares that can be configured. Default: 1048576
--apple-extensions BOOLEnable Apple extensions to the SMB protocol for MacOS. Default: true
-h, --helpDisplay this message.

Example for updating log levels:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global update --log-level “15 core:30 idmap:50”

Listing global configuration

For a list of supported options, run:

$ /usr/bin/tsmb-cfg global list -h

Available optional parameter(s) are:

-f STR, --format STRSpecify the format in which to output the global configuration info. The supported formats are: raw, json [DEFAULT: raw]
-h, --helpDisplay this message.