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Continuous Availability (CA)

A boolean which indicates whether the share is continuously available. A CA share is capable of returning persistent handles to SMB client.

ca = [true | false]

By default:

ca = false

Persistent handles DB:

When using a shared volume in a cluster with active/passive configuration, the CA share mechanism relies on the shared volume to store persistent open entries in a database.

This can be set using the configuration option, ‘ca_params =’ .

This configuration option accepts a list of parameters separated by a comma ’ , ’.

The list of supported parameters are:

  • path – Path to a dedicated directory on a volume shared between fail-over cluster nodes.
  • durable – If specified, treat Durable handles like persistent handles, i.e. saving them in non-volatile storage.

Example configuration for ca shares:

[share] netname = SH1
remark = Test Share
path = /mnt/gluster/share
ca = true
ca_params = path=/mnt/gluster/ca,durable
permission = everyone:full

You also need to configure connection failover and recovery setting in the global setting. Please refer to the section 5.13 Connection Failover and Recovery for more help.