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Volume Shadow Copy (VSS)

This option enables Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) feature on the share.


vss = false

Parameters of Volume Shadow Copy

When VSS feature is enabled on the share, SMB server first attempts to use the VSS functionality implemented by a custom VFS layer. For example, a private VFS implemented as a shared-object VFS module. If the private VFS does not implement VSS, then the SMB server falls back to the default VSS implemented by the generic VFS layer of the SMB server.

Any arbitrary configuration parameters for VSS (implemented by private or generic VFS) can be passed using the ‘vss_params’ option.

For the default VSS implementation in the generic VFS, the following configuration parameters are available:

  • path – Mandatory parameter that defines path to the directory where the snapshot roots are located. Under this directory there should be subdirectories in the following format: ‘

  • share_root – Relative path inside snapshot directory from snapshot root to a share root. This is an optional parameter.

In order to understand the configuration parameters better, please see below for an example setup:

Volume mount point:


Path to share, that will be configured as the value of ‘path’ share configuration:


Directory under which we will mount volume snapshots:


An example of snapshot mount point:


Directory that we need to export as a snapshot:


For this setup, the configuration will look like:

netname = vss_share
path = /mnt/disk/shares/sh1
vss = true
vss_params = path=/mnt/disk_snapshots,share_root=shares/sh1