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Services Watchdog

Services Watchdog Timeout

Fusion File Share supports a watchdog service which monitors the health of major services (processes or threads), such as authentication service, server service etc. using a keep-alive request–response mechanism.

This parameter defines the time interval (in seconds) to wait for a keep-alive response. If the keep-alive response does not come in this interval, then watchdog terminates all the services.

If configured with ‘0’, then the default timeout value is used.

WARNING: This value must be configured to a reasonably high value. Extremely small values can cause Fusion File Share to terminate very easily under extreme load. For instance, if a lot of users (e.g. 1000) are trying to authenticate at the same time, then authentication service can take some time to process each authentication request. If the keep-alive timeout is kept very small, then authentication service will fail to respond to a watchdog keep-alive request within the timeout, thus terminating the process, even though it was healthy. Ideally this option should never be modified from its default value.

Default: 200 (seconds)

watchdog_timeout = 200

Services Watchdog Interval

This parameter defines the time interval (in seconds) between two consecutive keep-alive requests. If configured with ‘0’, then the default interval value is used.

Default: 10 (seconds)

watchdog_interval = 10