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Durable Handles Timeout

Durable V1 Timeout

This option sets a timeout value (in seconds) to use for Durable Opens created by means of ‘DHnQ’ created context. ‘DHnQ’ is used by Windows 7 and Windows Vista to create Durable Open handle (a handle that can be reconnected after network outage). ‘DHnQ’ does not provide a way for a client to specify desired durable timeout, i.e., the time during which Fusion File Share server will wait for client to reclaim the handle.

Default: 960 seconds.

durable_v1_timeout = 960

Durable V2 Timeout

This option sets a timeout value (in seconds) to use for Durable Opens created by means of ‘DH2Q’ create context. ‘DH2Q’ is used by Windows 8, 8.1, 10. With ‘DH2Q’ create context clients can specify desired durable timeout, but if/when client does not specify the timeout in ‘DH2Q’ Fusion File Share server will use this value.

Default: 180 seconds.

durable_v2_timeout = 180