Contacting Support
New Requests
As a registered user, there are two main types of issues that you can contact us for.
Choose General request or question when you need to learn about Fusion or if you need assistance with configuration.
Choose Report a problem when you are encountering unexpected behavior, such as errors, crashes, poor performance, etc. that to your best assessment are not caused by incorrect configuration or external factors, such as hardware bottlenecks.
Below you'll find walk-throughs for submitting either type of case. To continue an exchange about a previously submitted case, please see Managing Requests instead.
Submitting a question or help request
Begin by providing a summary of your question, as well as the full question in proper context. Please use the available rich formatting tools to properly structure and emphasize the data. You can also link to external resources to avoid copying and pasting. Make sure that the linked resources are publicly available. Before hitting Send , you can also provide file attachments to help illustrate the question or concern, or to help provide context.
Reporting a problem
Like with questions, begin by providing a summary of your issue, as well as the full context in which it manifests. If possible, lay out the exact steps needed to reproduce the problem. Use the available rich formatting tools to properly structure and emphasize the contents of your report. You can also link to external resources to avoid copying and pasting, but if you do so, make sure that the linked resources are publicly accessible. Select case priority based on your need and service contract. More in-depth explanations for the different priorities are included on the case form beneath the pull-down menu. Name the version of FFS you are running and attach your configuration- and log-files for analysis. Please note that the log file should only include the timeframe of the reported event unless a complete log is requested by the Support Team. You may also want to set the log_level
and -topic to filter out unnecessary information. When in doubt, it is better to err on the side of too much information. Disclose the affected client and end-user application, including version information. Select the issue type and relevant domain(s). Before clicking Send , include additional attachments that are relevant to the problem report. These may be screenshots or -recordings, log- or output files, data dumps, etc. If an individual file exceeds 25 MB in size, it may need to be split or linked using an externally accessible storage site.