This utility manages user accounts and groups for the file-backed user database.
Usage: tsmb-passwd [<option>,...] <command> [<parameter>,...]
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h, --help | Show help information and exit. |
Available Commands:
Command | Description |
--add | Add a new user account |
--update | (Default) Update an existing user account. |
--remove | Remove a user existing user account. |
--add-member | Add a member to a group. |
--remove-member | Remove a member from a group. |
--list | List user accounts. |
--list-members | List members of a group. |
--lookup | Lookup account by name or SID. |
--translate | Convert between SID/UID/GID. |
--version | Display version information. |
tsmb-passwd --add
This subcommand adds a user to the file-backed user database.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --add <username> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<username> | The name of the user account to be added. Can be omitted with --guest , then the username will be guest . |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
-s or --stdin | Read password from STDIN (non-interactive). |
-H or --hash | Specifies that the supplied password string is an NT hash, not plain text. |
-e or --enable | (Default) Enable account. |
-d or --disable | Disable account. |
-G or --guest | Specifies that the user account is a guest account. When this option is specified, <username> is optional |
--group | Create a new group, instead of a user account. |
-z <name> or --posix <name> | Map an SMB user to a POSIX user. |
tsmb-passwd --update
This subcommand updates a user in the file-backed user database.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --update <username> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<username> | The name of the user account to be updated. Can be omitted with --guest , then the username will be guest . |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
--create | Create the account if it does not exist. |
-s or --stdin | Read password from STDIN (non-interactive). |
-H or --hash | Specifies that the supplied password string is an NT hash, not plain text. |
-e or --enable | Enable account. |
-d or --disable | Disable account. |
-G or --guest | Specifies that the user account is a guest account. When this option is specified, and the username guest is used. |
-z <name> or --posix <name> | Map an SMB user to a POSIX user. |
tsmb-passwd --remove
This subcommand removes a user in the file-backed user database.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --remove <username> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<username> | The name of the user account to be removed. |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --add-member
This subcommand adds a member to a group.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --add-member <username> <group> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<username> | The name of the user to be added to the group. User must exist before being added to a group. |
<group> | The name of the group to which the user will be added. Group must exist before members can be added to it. |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --remove-member
This subcommand removes a member from a group.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --remove-member <username> <group> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<username> | The name of the user to be removed from the group. |
<group> | The name of the group from which the user will be removed. |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --list
This subcommand lists users or groups in the file-backed user database in a JSON format.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --list [<option>,...]
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
--all | List all users and groups in the file-backed user database. |
--domains | List available domains. |
--group | List groups, instead of users |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --list-members
This subcommand lists the members of a specified group in the file-backed user database.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --list-members <group> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<group> | The name of the group whose members will be listed. |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --lookup
This subcommand looks up an account in the file-backed user database.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --lookup <query> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<query> | The account name or SID to look up. |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf , where the path to the file-backed user database users and groups files are specified in the userdb_file and group_member_db parameters respectively. |
--name | Force processing <query> as an account name. |
--show-membership | Show group membership of the account. |
--sid | Force processing <query> as a SID. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --translate
This subcommand translates between different account identifiers.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --translate <identifier> [<option>,...]
Required Arguments:
Argument | Description |
<identifier> | The identifier to translate. This can be a SID, POSIX UID/GID, or account name. |
Available Options:
Option | Description |
-c <path> or --config <path> | Specifies the path to the Fusion File Share Server configuration file. Default is /etc/tsmb.conf . |
--gid | Force processing <identifier> as a POSIX GID. |
--group | Limit translation to group accounts. |
--sid | Force processing <identifier> as a SID. |
--uid | Force processing <identifier> as a POSIX UID. |
-h or --help | Display a help message. |
tsmb-passwd --version
This subcommand displays the version information of the utility.
Usage: tsmb-passwd --version