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Starting the Server

To start Fusion File Share Server, run the tsmb-server executable. If installed as described in the installation section, it should already be in your $PATH.


Fusion File Share Server must have a valid configuration file before it can start. By default, the file is expected to be in /etc/tsmb.conf, however if it's in another location, you'll need to run tsmb-server with the -c option to specify the correct path:

sudo tsmb-server -c /path/to/tsmb.conf

The following resources are a good starting point for learning how to create a Fusion File Share Server configuration file:

Setting Up Important Paths

Depending on your configuration, you may need to set up some important paths before starting Fusion File Share Server. These are files or directories that store runtime state, databases, and other information required by specific features.

One path that is required by Fusion File Share Server is the runtime state directory. It must be explicitly configured, and the directory must be created before starting Fusion File Share Server.

Global Parameter The Runtime State Directory
This parameter is required.

Fusion File Share Server will fail to start unless a value is specified.

Value Type: string

Value Format: <path>

  • <path> for the runtime state directory for Fusion File Share Server.

Default Value: none.


  • /var/lib/tsmb–a common choice for the runtime state directory.

Once the runtime state directory is configured, create it:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/tsmb

As a general rule, any paths that are specified in the configuration file must be created before starting Fusion File Share Server. These include the file-backed user database, the privilege database, and others.

Foreground Mode

To start Fusion File Share Server in foreground mode, run the tsmb-server in your shell with root privileges:

sudo tsmb-server

Daemonized Mode

To start Fusion File Share Server in daemonized mode (i.e., running in the background), use the -B flag:

sudo tsmb-server -B

Persistent Configuration Mode

Fusion File Share Server allows you to make configuration changes while the server is running using the tsmb-cfg command.

Changes take effect immediately but are not persistent across restarts by default.

To make configuration changes persistent, start Fusion File Share Server in persistent configuration mode. This ensures all changes made with tsmb-cfg to be saved in your configuration file.

sudo tsmb-server -p

Configuring to Start at Boot (Systemd)

If your Linux distribution uses Systemd, you can configure Fusion File Share Server to start at boot by creating a Systemd service file.

  1. Create a new service file:

    Save the following content in /etc/systemd/system/tsmb-server.service, adjusting paths as needed:

    Description=Fusion File Share Server

    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/tsmb-server -B -c /etc/tsmb.conf

  2. Reload the Systemd manager to load the new service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  3. Enable the service to start on boot:

    sudo systemctl enable tsmb-server.service
  4. Start the service immediately:

    sudo systemctl start tsmb-server.service
  5. Check the status service status:

    sudo systemctl status tsmb-server.service