Copy keys and sssd.conf to other nodes in the cluster (one node)
It is necessary to copy the keytab and sssd.conf file to other nodes in the cluster. Copy the keytab file to other nodes in the cluster:
$ tux@dhcp-142:~$ sudo scp /etc/krb5.keytab tux@dhcp-144:/home/tux
tux@dhcp-144's password:
krb5.keytab 100%
2720 2.2MB/s 00:00
$ tux@dhcp-144:~$ sudo mv krb5.keytab /etc/
Copy sssd.conf to other nodes in the cluster:
$ tux@dhcp-142:~$ sudo scp /etc/sssd/sssd.conf tux@dhcp-144:/home/tux
tux@dhcp-144's password:
sssd.conf 100% 423 780.5KB/s 00:00
$tux@dhcp-144:~$ sudo mv sssd.conf /etc/sssd/
To confirm SSSD is working, use id to map a user account:
tux@dhcp-142:~$ id foo
uid=1414601123(foo) gid=1414600513(domain users) groups=1414600513(domain users),1414601115(testgroup)
tux@dhcp-142:~$ id bar
uid=1414601125(bar) gid=1414600513(domain users) groups=1414600513(domain users)